• Question: What inspired you to do an MEng degree?

    Asked by anon-282565 to Ellie on 24 Feb 2021.
    • Photo: Ellie Young

      Ellie Young answered on 24 Feb 2021:

      I knew that I wanted to be an engineer or scientist when I was applying to University, so I applied for courses that were integrated masters courses, where instead of the usual 3 year BSc degree, you do 4 years at once to get a MSc or MEng. My inspiration for this came from my science teachers, but also from speaking to my older friends who had done a 3 year BSc then applied for 1 year masters degrees, and I wanted to cut out the faff of applying separately. This is a great thing if you know what type of engineer/scientist you want to be e.g. mechanical, chemical, nuclear, materials etc.

      I think if you want to be a scientist or engineer, then 4 year masters courses are a really great stepping stone for that, because you often need a Masters level degree to become a chartered engineer. For example, my final year was really specific nuclear and reactor modules relevant to the nuclear industry, and then a big Masters research project which are key skills required to become chartered.
