• Question: What are all the things you study in science?

    Asked by anon-282907 on 24 Feb 2021.
    • Photo: Alin Elena

      Alin Elena answered on 24 Feb 2021: last edited 24 Feb 2021 12:46 pm

      sorry for a reason I answered the wrong question…

    • Photo: Amal Lavender

      Amal Lavender answered on 24 Feb 2021:

      wow very big question – if you’re talking about GCSE – it would be the basics of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, as you go deeper into the area of science you learn more and more – Science has a huge breadth and many area of specialties that you can study – e.g at Uni you can then go onto to anything from pharmacology, forensic science or environmental science to marine biology, genetics or zoology to astrophysics, geophysics or theoretical physics.

    • Photo: Katie West

      Katie West answered on 24 Feb 2021:

      I’m in the field of Biology – pick and organ, system or disease and there will be someone one working on it!

    • Photo: Moya Macdonald

      Moya Macdonald answered on 24 Feb 2021:

      Like Amal says – there are LOADS of things you can study in science. I specifically study lots of different bits of science in my job. I use parts of chemistry (chemistry of the environment, like the chemistyr of air, water, soil), geography (mostly glaciers and maps), geology (rocks and their chemistry), hydrology (which is the study of water and how it moves through the world). So the type of science I do uses a big mixture of science types to study the natural world – because in nature everything (chemistry, biology, physics) is connected!

    • Photo: Philip Ratcliffe

      Philip Ratcliffe answered on 27 Feb 2021:

      Science is about how things work – all things, plants, machines, stars, rocks, animals, … anything ….
